Kopane Home & School
What We Do
We are a network of parents/caregivers and community volunteers who:
Raise funds to allow the children to do activities and provide additional resources that Ministry funding does not cover
Encourage involvement in their children's school experience
Host working bees and social occasions
Give parents/caregivers a voice within the school
Carry out fundraising ventures
Benefits to School
In 2022 Home and School donated:
Automatic pool dosing system
Funding for Senior Tongariro camp
Funding for Seniors Sixtus Lodge camp
Junior visit to Cloud 9 Trampoline Park
Seniors attending Young Leaders day in Wellington
In 2021 Home and School donated:
Funding for Seniors Kapiti Camp
Seniors attending Young Leaders day
Full school trip to Kapiti Island
Library resources
Fundraising Goals & Events
We aim to raise funds each year to help and provide experiences for the children. In 2023 we hosted:
Quiz night
Pie fundraiser
Gala Day stall
Sausage Sizzles
Funding Request Process
Who decides what the funds are spent on?
There are two avenues for funding requests:
Kopane School Management (Principal)
Kopane School Governance (Board of Trustees).
Requests are tabled at Home & School meeting, or if urgent we may call a meeting. The request is discussed and decision is made.
Fundraising Idea Process
If you have an idea, we want to hear it.
Bring your idea to a meeting or email us details - the more information the better.
Home and School committee will meet regarding proposal - we may ask for more information.
Once Home and School have agreed that it is a viable fundraising opportunity advertising and information is given out to families as appropriate .
Any parent or caregiver is welcome to attend Home & School meetings and to be part of the group.
Join Us
All families are encouraged to participate. We meet twice a term.
To contact us:
Email - kopanehomeandschool@gmail.com
FB Chat or come talk to us